The knowledge eXchange research and evaluation platform is an extension of YouthREX, an initiative born at York University, which aims to make research evidence and evaluation practices accessible and relevant to Ontario’s youth.
With the help of the VerticalWave Solutions, the YouthREX team has created ‘the eXchange’ platform, a clearinghouse site that aggregates and highlights research and evaluation resource and tools in support of all youth sector stakeholders.
At the core of the platform sits the powerful Drupal CMS, which has been specifically tailored by our experts exactly to the client’s needs. The site not only puts the information right at the fingertips of stakeholders and visitors, but it’s also rich in custom features that turn it into an interactive hub.
Sliders and animations to make the site more visually appealing.Dynamic featured content
Solid resource database, easy to browse and update.Structured library
Advanced options and filters to automate search.Advanced search
The site renders perfectly on all screen sizes and resolutions.
Blog publishing.Blog integration
Easy manageable user and resource system.Intuitive administration system